Sunday, April 24, 2011


Oh. My. Gosh. Life is Flying bye and i want it to STOP! So much Has happened Sense What? September!? Cray Cray! Anyways, i can't Believe School is almost OVER!!! YAY! i cant wait for this summer and to be a Senior! I haven't written at ALL this school year! So, here is a recap on this year, my favorite top Things that have happened to me!...

1st: School Dances. They have been so Funn! And Evey boy that i went with was an Amazing Date! Memories that will last a life time!! ((:

This is me and Lee at Homecoming!

Next was Mr. Luke! At Winter Formal!

And Last but not least Jacob!! For Sadie's!

2ND: Meeting the most Wonderful people ((:

yes this is correct i met Stephanie Nielson, Mr. Nielson, And their ADORABLE two Daughters! BEST. NIGHT. EVER. and its not even over.. The next person i met that night was..

The one and only Mindy Gledhill. Awe that day was beyond words :)

3rd: is the amazing friends i have made this year! Choir is super intimidating and having these two girls take me in and LOVE me has been AMAZING! I owe having fun in this class to these two girls:)

first Hannah Peterson! LOVE LOVE
and the second, Tyler La'roo :))

4Th: okkayy so there are A LOT more "favorite things" about this year, but its taking to long. haha

BUT one more thing. that i am sooo EXCITED about. This weekend i am going here...

so peace out AZ((:


  1. Well, a little update is better than no update! Glad you're enjoying your year. Have so much fun in Cali. Love choir tour, it's just good times.

  2. Hey Chandler! Cute blog, glad you updated! Summer is coming and it looks like you've got a great start, California! I'm assuming San Diego so enjoy the beach!

  3. WHAT THE? CHANDLER UPDATED HER BLOG????? now that is cray cray my friend
