Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Night on the Town!

 was a typical friday night: at home, chillin, wondering who to call, what we should do. My friend Bethany calls me and we decide to go hang out at Tempe Marketplace with Sheridan! Why not Amanda? Well...needless to say, we weren't the first on her priority list of friends. (just kidding, she was busy:) ) Anyways, so after my mom dropped us off (she's the best for giving us a ride!), we knew what we needed first....FOOD! We made our way to Juice it Up, then off to Barnes and Noble to look at all the New Moon "stuff". Of course, we found oursleves in the kid section, and Bethany read us a dinosaur book. Then, we decided we needed some Mojo! "How but some yogurt with those toppings?" We had little peanut butter cups, cookie dough, cheesecake squares, and oreos. It was...interesting. While we ate our toppings+yogurt, we took some pictures! Some were pretty crazy/ugly and just funny! Afterwards, we decided we needed something salty. so....FRENCH FRIES! We waited forever for a nasty basket of fries for Cheeseburger Cheesburger. Bethany's parents were actually at Tempe Marketplace, and we were hiding from them. Ha! and they never found us! (It was a close call though). Her dad told us to meet them in the parking lot, so as we walk down towards the parked cars, you see the huge Secoya waiting right in front of the entrance. Not embarassing at all..right? NOT! Bethany almost crapped her pants, and she told her parents that this was so not cool, but of course, her dad made a joke of it. Moral of that episode: WE WANT TO DRIVE SO BAD!!!! We went to Bethany's house, ate the nasty fries, and watched videos on youtube. And yes, we're cool, cuz our names are Chandler, Bethany, and Sheridan. I love 'em!

1 comment:

  1. O my Gosh! this is so cute! you guys are so cool!
